Friday, December 5, 2008

I love Tim and safety glasses

I have been married to Tim for 3 years now. We actually met in 2004 at Nissan. Here is our story. I graduated from MTSU in August 2004 on a Saturday. I got a job at Ajax Turner(Budweiser) and I started on Monday. So.. I worked there for a couple weeks and had to quit. I should have known the job was going to be hard when they offered me 56,000 starting salary. That should have been my first clue. Let me also add I also bought my first house in August and had one of those things called a HOUSE payment. I had never had to pay rent or anything in my life thanks to my parents who let me stay at their house through my college years. So here I am in my new house I cried and called my parents. The next day my uncle called me and said I could come work at Nissan (Yates). He said its not a glorious job but it pays 11.25/hr, you get benefits and even bonuses. I told him to sign me up. All I was thinking about was my house payment and how I really didnt have a choice. So I started Monday. (and yes I am getting to Tim)
I wont go into all the details about my first days at Nissan but I will say I never thought I would graduate college and go work in a plant where I had to wear safety glasses (yes, i said safety glasses. side story-- i always got in trouble for not wearing mine. I was embarrassed. Who the f*ck wants to wear safety glasses all day? Especially someone that has been tramatized by glasses all their life!) 24/7 and get dirty on a daily basis. I did come home and cry by the way. It was a rude awakening for me for sure. I thought I was too good to work in a plant and thank goodness I was put in my place. Again, I didnt have a choice. Now I will tell you my modivation for coming into work. I saw this boy and for some reason knew I would have him. I even started rolling my hair and putting on makeup so he would notice me. (idiot) Needless to say he did notice me. I mean how could you not. 1. I was the new girl 2. I was cute (and skinny at that time) 3. I was nice, nice all the time. One day my supervisor made me work for Tim. My first words to him were. Are you How old are you... 21. (I was 23, I thought he was like 27.. I found a baby) I didnt do any of the work for him. He tried to tell me how to do a job and I wasnt listening. Just staring. After our encounter I thought it was smart to leave notes on his truck. (like a teenager). He didnt call, maybe that was b/c he was engaged to be married. YUP that will do it. He didnt tell me that, a co-worker did. For some reason it didnt matter. He stopped me one day and said he would call me that night. to shrink the story. He called, broke off the engagement, fell in love with me (I fell in love with him the day I saw him) and he moved in. We got engaged after 9 months. The proposal was so special. He got down on one knee while we were watching Emerill Live and proposed. I let Stacy(my BF and roommate) know first seeing as though she was just in the other room. We got married Nov 12, 2005 and I can honestly say I am one of the luckiest girls in the world. A few things about my Timmy.
1. He is 6'5. This is awesome for a big-boned (as my family says) girl. He makes me look small
2. He wears a knife in his pocket daily. A little redneck maybe but he uses it at work daily and he also likes to make a slit in his beer can for some dumb reason. He says it tastes better but I think it is just an excuse to show everyone he has a knife.
3. He rubs my feet a few times a week and will brush my hair if I ask. (I love that)
4. He tells me he loves me like 100 times a day
5. He sings rap songs and dances when no one is looking
6. He is my world
Thats our story in a nutshell. Its also the story of how I started working at Nissan. I have been here for 4.5 years and I actually now work in a office and get to ride a little yellow golf cart around the plant and look for parts. I love it. Who would have thought. I also get to work with Tim daily. He works right outside my office. We get to carpool and everything. Most people wonder how we can be around each other so much but we love it. We can't get away from each other. Nissan is full of cheaters. It happens and sometimes its b/c you get close to people you are around 8-10 hours a day. I am not saying it is an excuse for people to cheat, I am just saying it happens. So basically I am lucky to get the pleasure to be around my husband literally 24/hrs a day.

1 comment:

mrs007 said...

I love this story for many reasons! :) My hubby graduated from MTSU with a Jazz studies degree and immediately started working for Nissan (DAS actually) because he suddenly had a wife and a kid to support because as you know we got all knocked up and stuff.

He is so glad he got put in his place too. (he thought because he had a college degree he was too good to work in a place where he had to wear his name on his shirt) BTW He doesn't feel that way anymore.

I think it helped him to see the world a little different. He had to work there and then come home and go deliver pizza at night. Yeah it was a lovely time for us :)

Anyway this is the longest comment evah! I just wanted to tell you I liked your story and I am glad you started a blog. You are pretty darn funny.